Tuesday, January 25, 2011


After a pretty tough week, when just to wait was more terrible than anything else, the good news began to occur.
Many already know the story ... Yesterday, Maria Gheorghiu, my mum, has suffered a very complicated surgery. She's still in therapy, but the surgery seems to have been a success.

I expect her home as soon as she can recover!

On my way....

I discovered this song, a couple of days ago when I was trying to unpack my things and put everything in a place that would be easy to find...
I sit in bed with my laptop into my lap and try to find answers to stupid questions ... I notice one thing, that as "life" is overdriving you, the same way life will ease you... Slowly and with much patience, firmly and without panic, every problem has at least one solution... As any problem occurs, so is the solution, slowly as baby steps... May hesitant at first, then becoming more and more confident...

I had a lot of problems ... I had moments when I didn't know how or which way to go... But calmly and patiently, with much support from friends,with the courage to ask for help...One by one I managed to solve them... Now everything is moving towards better, easy ...
To be good, be good and positive thinking, I see that now, tested on my skin, now more than ever. Sometimes life can be a pain in the ass, can be the mother of all bitches... but you have to stay clever and calm.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I woke up today like in any other morning and opened the laptop and then I turned myself to the coffee machine... Still sleepy, with a terrible headache I opened the facebook page...A friend of my mother posted something about her state of health ... and the comments and other phones that followed ... reminded me that I have problems more serious than the fact that I'm going through a difficult breakup and yesterday I moved all the things in a new place ... My mother's health is more important than everything else.

I just hope that all the prayers and good thoughts of friends and folks will get to her, and will help her somehow... Although I think primarily strengthens me!

I want to say Thanks to all of those who support us!

I hope that "My rainbow" will come back on stage soon ...

Friday, January 14, 2011


Browsing trough music, I found some memories, that I put away... I do remember that my mother used to sing to me, when I was a couple of years old... I've got some shivers on my spine, listening to this song... In France, mum was known as Joan Baez of Romania. If I close my eyes, I can see her next to me, I can hear her voice singing "Donna Donna" to me.

I had the privilege to see some great concerts in Bucharest, the best that I've been to, in my opinion, was Leonard Cohen, in September 2008. I'm proud to say that I have seen the legendary Bob Dylan in concert! It was huge! I'm 25, I won't have the second chance, that's for sure, but I have a story to tell, later on in life...
I grew up with this music and I cannot see my life other way.

Have a great Friday night! Have fun or sweet dreams...

Beyond voice ... (An earlier post, but same feelings)

Evening descends on us, enveloping the earth in a mantle of white stars. Cold breath stings my face, hands ... I am light as a feather. It's winter. Holidays have passed. We do not know how to enjoy them the way we did when we were kids ... Christmas ...the first snow... Flowers of ice formed on the windows ... The snowballs, sledding ... Our mothers serving us hot tea when we enter the house, with red cheeks.
I remember perfectly, perhaps, the most beautiful Christmas. I used to live with my grandmother. Christmas Eve almost arrived. I can not burn the carols, as I did in previous years. I was looking on the street full of children, through a corner of the window. I was charmed of those ice flowers pinned to those windows. I didn't want anything else than to see you. To hold you in my arms ... It had been several months since we were just talking on the phone. I decorated the tree, as we used to do when I was a kid and you were near me. But, it was deep sadness. I ate hot cake, then I restarted the waiting position. I didn't know what I was expecting. Somewhere among the tall pines that gave victory to my windows, and oak trees in the park across the street, I could see a piece of railway. Rapid Bucharest, had just left town ... It was almost midnight. All children wish that Santa would bring them sweets and toys... I just wanted more than anything else, for you to come home.
I did fall asleep eventually, with my eyes fixed on the Christmas tree ...I had a strange dream, almost real, I felt your warm kiss on my sweaty forehead. Your scent enveloped me. I woke up I felt like lightning and smelled the Belgian chocolate coffee aroma floating around the house. Christmas tree lights stole my sleepy eyes ... Under the tree, as in every Christmas morning, a myriad of gifts. In an instant I realized that you're home. My most ardent desire had been fulfilled, so I got up and just run to the kitchen.
I thought I saw an angel. You were sitting there, backed on the kitchen table, with a large cup of coffee in your hands telling stories with grandmother. Rolls of steam rising from the cup, combined with my eyes still blurry made you look like one of those fairies from children's dreams. Your black hair gently caress your shoulders ... smile and gentle eyes, as if they were part of another world ...I jumped in your arms and crying I managed to put out a single word ...
- Mom !!!... Today still, around holidays, I remember that thrill ... Your smile, unmistakable scent of your embrace ... but more than any ... The most beautiful Christmas !.... That sublime "Good morning!"... The most beautiful voice in the world!
I wrote them a couple of years ago, these rows, with teary eyes. Nothing has changed. Feelings are the same. Many see. Few know! Beyond the artist that I'm proud with every second, there is a human,a woman ...a MOTHER.
Many judge without knowing much, not even as much as the black under one's nail. Nobody knows the sacrifices that this soul has made. The many dissappointments that she's had to suffer. Those few moments spent together were always full of longing and love that too few are able to understand, unfortunately.
those few moments spent together were always filled with a heavy longing and pure love for each other ... The price she paid so that I wouldn't miss anything was sometimes too high, even for a fighter like her. It was hard for both of us, but I never went to school with just one pair of shoes, like she did back in her youth. Gentle soul, full of wounds, scars that haven't healed. They hurt her and they're hurting me too... Life goes on.
We live to learn how to suffer. We learn to cherish, to love. To love those around us, as they are. Let us understand and accept each other with both our good and bad parts. I do not want to hear or know of sorrow, of regret ... What was, passed. If I think a little better: I wouldn't have become what I am today, if things had been different in my past.
Thank you, mother, Mary, friend, that I am what I am. I love the things I love. Because I have the life that I have. It's beautiful, full of surprises, full of great people, which in other circumstances I wouldn't have had the luck to know them. Not everyone can be proud of the things I pride myself with.
About everyobdy else's opinions... well, I don't give a crap. I have nothing to care for when it comes to everybody else. And you should feel the same way, mom. As for them, the everybody else's, I only have one thing to say: love your parents and start appreciating them more. Life is short and there's no time for reproaches.
I thank you all for existing in my life. Mary, mother: I love you! Others ... all the best! Leave your jealousy aside and see for your own lives! Make silence when this soul is singing! Listen and learn! There's plenty for you to learn from her! Stop judging everyone and stop giving yourselves in over false values. It's not worth it. Life's too short for selling yourself cheap...

Sms received on 03 October 2009, 0:14 pm
"24 years ago, around this very hour, you came into my world. Happy Birthday, my ladybug! I love you. Mum."

This song sounds something like this:

I sometimes let myself send your way
A pair of glimmering tears
Two tiny butterly bones
Two lights
That flicker on your nightstand when evening falls

Ah, it's oblivion, a door which you lock
Over everything that you no longer want
Put over a shingle, hammer in another nail,
Lock down love's frightening ghost
Ah, it's the oblivion,
A door which you lock,
A door which you lock...

But will I ever manage to forget
The worn out book of youth lived
Down to the blood,
And you, my beautiful scar
That hurts whenever it snows...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Isn't life a bitch?

Every time you think everything is going to beautiful horizons, whenever you feel like everything goes for the better, whenever you think you're OK, SHE has to come and FUCK YOU UP AGAIN! That's just THE LIFE! Isn't it???

You wake up one morning, prepare your coffee, get breakfast, then you move on to the computer, and suddenly you remember that you did not open your mobile ... you feel something, but do not know exactly why or what. You open your mobile and find ... a few missed calls ... From home, from your mother... Your heart starts to beat so fast, that you don't need coffee anymore. You call your mother but SHE does not answer. You stone your brain with whatever you can find...cigarettes, coffee, stupid e-mails... Nothing has relevance untill SHE's answering your calls.
The phone rings and your heart is beating in your throat. You look at the mobile phone, you recognize the ring tone... It is SHE! but still, you avoid to answer...You know something is terrible wrong... You answer... you can hear her voice down, feel her tears... her fear. She manages to whisper something about hospital... You forget about coffee, shower, e-mails, breakfast... and just wish that you had opened that dam mobile phone earlier. You ran to the Hospital. You're scared, becouse SHE is your mother, and you love her, and you would KILL FOR HER!... The doctors are stuttering, but you manage to understand something about liver spots, cysts, fibroids, kidney stones, surgery, bad luck .... loss of kidney function, kidney attaint .... dangerous operation on the same place that caused so many problems in the past... Your heart is beating hard, so hard that you feel like you want to take it out of your chest! You can not breathe! You are telling to yourself: "FUCK THIS!THIS is not true! It will be OK!"...But even you don't believe that... You try to look like you do...
You keep your head up, you comfort HER... You hold HER hand and tell HER that everything is going to be alright... You look like a stone, confident, you don't show a tear... SHE doesn't need this! SHE needs for you to be strong! And you show to HER that you are... BUT inside, you're breaking down like a glass in tiny pieces... You go home, for a while... and colapse and cry for a couple of hours, because you know that SHE is weak, SHE is scared... and that is frighten as hell...

Now, you look at HER sleeping... It's almost midnight and you can't fall asleep because you think SHE may need a cup of water, or whatever else, but SHE sleeps like an angel... and you write this story on your laptop... your blog.

And you wish to talk to someone... To have a soul that you could share your feeling with... To have a shoulder to cry on... But you're alone... and you have to deal with this! And... you will... somehow...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I had a dream....

I had a dream, I had a nightmare ... There have been nights where I woke up crying, transpired. I no longer wanted to sleep ever, as if I lived in one of the movies with Freddie Kruger...
And then one night, I had another dream ... It makes a dark room, screaming music from speakers placed all over possible corners... A lot of people, screaming, dancing, jumping ... hitting each other ... hitting me. In that sea of people, I saw a slightly brighter face, a look that does not bother me, just like the others ... even though it comfort me. And he did it like no one had done until then, never ...
I somehow found that knight in shiny armour that saved me from my nightmare... For a couple of night from then, I wanted to fall asleep, to see him. To let him caress me, to let him make me feel like no other men did before... To feel like I'm a woman, to feel love, to touch love... to sense everything with every cell of my body...

Time flew by so fast, nights were turning into days faster than ever... and real life seems to bother me less and less... Did not care anymore about the light of the day, work, friends, or anything else. I was just waiting for the night to come. And it did... a couple of times more. I remember those dreams, like everything was real... The touch like a melody going around me, caressing me. That look that scaled every part of my body, like I was a Goddess. The Goddess of love... Those nights... Those moments that made my life better... that took away my pain, my tears. I could see those bodies interweaving as a column to infinity...

I miss that comfort, that look... those hands.

Friday, January 7, 2011



"Cunosti vreun leac care poate reduce riscul imbolnavirii de diabet,
Parkinson sau cancer de colon? Care iti poate imbunatati starea de
spirit si, in acelasi timp iti poate trata durerile de cap? Care sa-ti
protejeze dintii si sa te ajute sa slabesti?
Ce-ai zice de o cana de cafea?

Pun pariu ca nu te-ai gandit niciodata la cafea ca la un elixir de
sanatate. Ba, mai mult, pun pariu ca ti-a trecut prin cap de mai mult
de trei ori sa te lasi de acest viciu care iti creste tensiunea
arteriala, gradul de celulita si, pe deasupra, iti mai si ingalbeneste
dintii. Ei bine, nimic din toate aceste povesti nu sunt adevarate. Ultimele cercetari arata ca bautura
noastra favorita ne protejeaza de o multime de boli (dintre care vreo
10 letale). Iata o veste ce merita sarbatorita cu o cana de cafea.
Asadar, propun trei minute de pauza, cat sa dau (si sa dai) fuga la
cafetiera pentru a bea impreuna cea mai gustoasa ceasca de cafea.

Nu-mi pot imagina diminetile fara portia mea de cafea neagra, aromata
si aburinda si, recunosc ca, in pofida insistentelor sotului meu si
ale colegilor de redactie, dragii de ei, nu am renuntat la acest
obicei nici acum, in luna a sasea de sarcina. Si bine am facut. Un
studiu realizat de catre un grup de cercetatori din Canada arata ca
un consum moderat de cafea (adica o cana, maximum doua pe zi) este
absolut inofensiv in orice etapa a ciclului reproductiv, inclusiv
sarcina sau alaptare. Dar, evident, nu aceasta este cea mai teribila
descoperire dintre toate. In ultimele luni, prima pagina a ziarelor de
medicina din intreaga lume a fost tinuta de o stire senzationala: dupa
ce au analizat datele a 126.000 de oameni, timp de 18 ani,
cercetatorii de la Harvard au calculat ca, in comparatie cu
neprihanitii nostri semeni care nu consuma cafea, noi, pacatosii,
suntem mult mai putin expusi riscului de a ne imbolnavi de diabet de
tip 2. Un raport statistic, care combina datele a mai multe studii pe
aceasta tema, arata ca oamenii care beau cafea au un risc cu 28 de procente mai scazut de a se imbolnavi de diabet.
Alte studii (unul facut la Iowa Women s Health, pe un esantion de
27.000 de femei, pe o perioada de 15 ani, arata ca,
datorita consumului de cafea (decofeinizata sau nu) scade si riscul
afectiunilor cardiovasculare, in special la femei. Mai exact, daca bem
cafea zilnic, sansele de a ne imbolnavi de inima scad cu 24%. Nu e
rau deloc! Din pacate, in ceea ce priveste bolile cardiovasculare,
beneficiile cafelei scad invers proportional cu numarul de portii
consumate zilnic.

Ce alte vesti bune mai avem? Se pare ca, gratie pasiunii noastre
pentru cafea, noi, bautorii inveterati, suntem protejati de Parkinson
in proportie de 80%, de cancerul de colon (25%), de ciroza hepatica
(80%) si de pietrele la rinichi (50%). De asemenea, exista dovezi ca o
doza moderata de cafea poate scoate un pacient dintr-o criza acuta de
astm, atunci cand nu are medicatia la-ndemana, calmeaza durerile de
cap mai eficient decat pilulele obisnuite, imbunatateste performantele
atletice (stimuland musculatura sa produca contractii mai puternice),
ajuta la mentinerea greutatii si previne aparitia cariilor dentare.

Sa fie cofeina secretul din spatele tuturor acestor minuni? Da si nu.
Exista studii care leaga anumite beneficii (protectia antiparkinson,
performantele atletice, cresterea capacitatilor intelectuale) de
continutul ridicat de cofeina, dar altele se datoreaza antioxidantilor
din compozitie, care protejeaza celulele si au un efect antiinflamator
puternic. De asemenea, cafeaua contine acid clorogenic (reduce
concentratia de glucoza din sange), polifenoli (cu rol in protectia
celulelor) si oxazol (cu efect antiinflamator si antireumatic).
Evident, in coada fiecaruia dintre aceste rapoarte si descoperiri,
oamenii de stiinta s-au simtit obligati sa adauge e nevoie de mai
multe date pentru a ajunge la o concluzie ferma si pentru a face
recomandari medicale .

Cu alte cuvinte, nu e cazul (inca) sa dam buzna la Starbuck s, dar
putem incerca o rezervare. Consumatorii de cafea nu au niciun motiv
sa se simta vinovati pentru mica lor placere, atata timp cat nu
exagereaza , spune dr. Tomas De Paulis, cercetator la Vanderbilt
University s Institute for Cofee Studies.

10 lucruri mai putin cunoscute despre cafea
Licoarea neagra care ne face atata placere ascunde o multime de
surprize. Iata numai cateva dintre cele mai nastrusnice descoperiri,
sustinute cu date stiintifice solide (si contestate vehement de

Cafeaua are mai multe fibre si mai multi antioxidanti decat sucul de
portocale. Nutritionistii ne spun mereu ca fibrele sunt absolut
necesare sanatatii noastre si ca antioxidantii ne ajuta sa ne mentinem
mereu tineri si ne feresc de boli. Un studiu facut de un grup de
savanti din Spania a dovedit ca o cana de cafea neagra are un
continut de fibre si polifenoli mai ridicat decat orice alta bautura
de pe planeta.
Cafeaua iti pastreaza buzele umede. Simti ca uneori ti se usuca gura
(termenul medical pentru acest sindrom este xerostomie), ca si cand ai
fi vorbit prea mult sau ai fi luat un antibiotic amar? Ei bine, ca sa
scapi de acest necaz, cercetatorii te sfatuiesc sa bei un
cappuccino! Dupa cinci minute de la ingerarea a 150 grame de
cappuccino, este stimulata secretia salivara si sunt imbunatatite
dictia si functiile vorbirii. Acest efect benefic se mentine intre 30
de minute si patru ore, spun cercetatorii.
Cafeaua imbunatateste scrisul de mana. Un studiu independent facut de
un grup de medici din Germania a demonstrat ca abilitatile de a scrie
de mana pot fi mult imbunatatite consumand cofeina. Dupa ce au
consumat doua cani de cafea, voluntarii participanti la studiu au
scris mai repede, mai fluent si mai frumos decat inainte.
Daca bei cafeaua in doze mici pe tot parcursul zilei, vei fi mai
atenta, mai activa si mai energica, au descoperit medicii de la
Harvard Medical School . Deci, ori de cate ori trebuie sa faci fata
unei zile incarcate dupa o noapte de nesomn sau trebuie sa conduci pe
distante foarte lungi, te sfatuiesc sa bei cafea.
Daca bei cafea, nu tremuri. Doctorii din Singapore au studiat vreme de
cativa ani legatura dintre consumul de cafea si tremurul esential (o
afectiune neurologica a carei cauza exacta nu a fost inca
identificata). Rezultatele cercetarilor au infirmat mitul conform
caruia cafeaua ar avea acest efect neplacut asupra organismului si
nervilor nostri.
Cafeaua iti imbunatateste starea de spirit. O cana de cafea bauta la
micul dejun iti poate face ziua mai buna, spun cercetatorii de la
University of Wales , College of Cardiff , din Marea Britanie. Cafeaua
completeaza beneficiile evidente asupra functionarii creierului
(imbunatatirea capacitatii de concentrare, a memoriei si a gandirii
logice) cu o stare de implinire si satisfactie , explica cercetatorii
Cafeaua nu ne impiedica sa visam. Multi oameni spun ca, daca beau
cafea seara, nu reusesc sa doarma. Mi se pare firesc: de vreme ce
faptul ca ne tine alerti, cu atentia incordata la maximum, reprezinta
principalul motiv pentru care consumam aceasta licoare. Totusi,
potrivit ultimelor studii, se pare ca, in ciuda faptului ca o cana de
cafea consumata seara, inainte de culcare, ne face sa adormim mai
greu, acest obicei nu afecteaza cu nimic faza de visare si nici cea de
somn profund. Nici macar un consum ridicat de cafea nu
afecteaza calitatea somnului.
Cafeaua nu provoaca aciditate. Aciditatea gastrica este una dintre
cele mai neplacute afectiuni si are o multime de cauze, de la consumul
de alimente picante la stres. Din fericire, contrar credintei
populare, nu exista nici o legatura intre consumul de cafea si aceasta
enervanta problema, oricat de tare si de amara ar fi fost cafeaua
consumata, arata un studiu din Marea Britanie, la care au participat
394 de pacienti cu stomacul sensibil. De asemenea, nu s-a putut
stabili nici o legatura intre consumul de cafea si ulcerul gastric sau
Cafeaua vindeca herpesul. Da, cafeaua are proprietati antivirale, spun
cercetatorii japonezi, care au testat (in vitro) 15 tipuri de cafea (8
obisnuite si 7 instant), adaugand o solutie slaba de cafea peste
anumite culturi de celule infectate cu virusul herpetic. Au descoperit
astfel ca in extractul de cafea (indiferent de tipul folosit
macinata, instant sau decofeinizata sau de locul in care a fost
cultivata) exista un ingredient care distruge virusul prin contact
direct si impiedica raspandirea lui la celelalte celule invecinate.
Mai ramane sa se descopere care este cantitatea ideala in care trebuie
consumata bautura noastra favorita pentru a impiedica infectiile
virale: 1, 3 sau 5 cani? Eu una astept cu sufletul la gura momentul
fericit in care voi inlocui vaccinul din fiecare toamna cu o doza buna
de Nescafי.
Cafeaua nu creeaza dependenta. Cu multi ani in urma, World Health
Organization a declarat ca nu exista dovezi conform carora consumul
de cofeina ar putea fi comparat cu abuzul de droguri. E o mare
diferenta intre obiceiul de a bea in fiecare zi o anumita cantitate de
cafea si dependenta. Ei bine, un studiu recent aduce si suportul
stiintific pentru aceasta afirmatie. Mai exact, s-a descoperit ca,
indiferent de cantitatea in care este consumata, cofeina nu activeaza
circuitul de recompensa al creierului, asa cum fac amfetaminele sau
cocaina. Simptomele traite de consumatorii de cafea in absenta
bauturii lor favorite (dureri de cap, letargie, somnolenta) nu au nici
o legatura cu cele ale consumatorilor de droguri aflati in sevraj."

Acestea fiind spuse... Ziua e deja mai buna!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Buna dimineata!

De ieri a inceput, cel putin pe mess-ul meu, sa circule urmatorul mass...:
"PROTESTUL DE LA BENZINARII - in zilele 17, 18 , 19 IANUARIE - dragi Romani haideti sa nu ne mai lasam calcati in picioare de benzinarii MILIARDARI si sa-i facem sa vada ce inseamna sa piarda bani. Dupa asta pretul benzinei/ motorinei o sa SCADA. SA NU INTRE NIMENI IN NICI O BENZINARIE - pe 17-18-19. ianuarie. sa mergem cu RATB, cu bicicletele sau pe jos , sau alimentati inainte.

Avand in vedere situatia de rahat in care ne aflam... Totul tine de noi... Noi, fiecare ca individ trebuie sa facem ceva... Sa ne alaturam masei, chiar daca avem impresia ca nu o sa ajute la nimic... Daca nu cedam, pana la urma, ceva se va intampla!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dupa sarbatori....

LA MULTI ANI! Sanatate si iubire!

Iata ca a inceput un an nou… Am scapat de nebunia cumparaturilor… de aglomeratia de peste tot, de calcatul in picioare din supermarkete, de colindatori zgomotosi care te trezesc la 9 dimineata, chiar daca tu nu ai dormit o noapte intreaga… Ei au venit sa-ti “cante”, sa castige si ei un ban, nu prea ii mai intalnesti pe cei care pleaca in colind doar de dragul sarbatorilor si a traditiei. Daca stau bine si ma gandesc la ceea ce am vazut anul asta, si nu numai si pun in balanta cu ceea ce stiam eu despre Craciun… Tasul se va inclina spre un comercial de prost gust, care nu mai are nici o legatura cu Spiritul Sarbatorilor de alta data… Asta ca sa nu mai vorbim de fapul ca romanul a luat-o razna de tot! Daca peste tot in lumea asta, in perioada oricarei sarbatori, in toate magazinele se fac reduceri, pentru ca sa se pot bucura de bucate si cei mai loviti de soarta…. In Romanica, lucrurile stau intocmai pe dos (ca multe altele, de altfel). Romanul in loc sa intre in spiritul sarbatorilor, sa fie mai bun, sa uite, sa ierte, sa fie darnic si iubitor, e exact cu curu’n sus. Stiu si eu si vad foarte bine, ca si Craciunul s-a transformat intr-o perioada(ca deja nu mai vorbim de cele 2 zile) pur comerciala aducatoare de profit, si mai ca toate lucrurile proaste si apucaturile imbecile, le-am preluat de la “prietenii intregului glob pamantesc” : americanii. Lor trebuie sa le “multumim” pentru tot, chiar tot. – ar trebui ca mult mai multa lume sa se documenteze si sa citeasca de ce sunt ei in stare… ar trebui ca tot mai multi sa stie despre H.A.A.R.P. – despre acest mandru proiect, o sa revin alta data cu documentatie solida.
Eu am crescut in sanul familiei, chiar daca sunt singurul copil la parinti, am avut parte de o familie numeroasa si unita, chiar daca uneori, prea zgomotoasa. Si noi mergeam in colind, dar o faceam din bucuria de a ne vedea rudele. Obligatoriu mergeam la nasi, cu “ploconul”, asa o cere traditia… Ne infruptam cu cozonaci si ne bucuram de zapada de afara… ba mai mult, nu-mi amintesc sa fi avut parte de vreun Craciun fara saniuta… Ziua de Craciun era sfanta, mergeam la bunica si luam masa in familie, an de an… Apoi pe seara, ieseam la bulgareala si derdelus cu prietenii. Abia asteptam sa ne facem cetate, sa ne intrecem cu saniile, sa ne laudam cu ce ne-a adus mosul…
Acum… cand ma uit in urma la ultimii 6-7 ani… nu mai vad nimic. Nu mai vad bucuria, nu mai vad nimic nobil… nimic neconditionat sau pur. Nici macar copiii nu mai sunt ce eram noi odata… Nimeni nu mai crede, nu mai vrea sa creada ca lumea poate fi un loc mai bun, doar ca totul tine doar de noi. Totul tine de comportamentul nostru ca si individ intr-o societate. Nu poti cladi ceva brusc, totul se face caramida cu caramida… Iar daca noi nu ne respectam visele si dorintele, daca nu credem in ceva mai bun, nu vom putea cladi niciodata nimic solid, totul se va rezuma la un castel de carti, gata sa cada oricand. Asteptam sa ne cada totul din cer, fara a depune nici cel mai mic efort. Ne plangem ca nu avem mai nimic, dar nici nu incercam sa cladim ceva. Sa fim mai buni cu noi insine, sa lasam ura deoparte si credem in adevar. Suntem atat de invrajbiti impotriva tuturor incat nu vedem ca de fapt noi suntem impotriva noastra. Suntem egoisti, dar nu vedem ca fiind egoisti nici noi n-o sa primim nicioadata nimic. Daca eu nu fac o fapta buna pentru cineva, cum sa pot astepta s-o faca altul pentru mine? Daca eu nu ridic un deget, atunci cum pot sa astept sa ridice altul? Suntem un exemplu pentru fiecare dintre noi… suntem mai rau ca maimutele… “Monkey see, mokey do”… Daca pe noi nu ne duce capul sa facem ceva, nici cei din jur nu vor avea ce vedea ca sa procedeze la fel. Noi procedam ca toti ceilalti, doar daca e vorba de a face ceva rau sau a fi indiferent…. E efortul mai mic, stiu....
Fiecare trebuie sa aiba pentru el si doar pentru el. Ne facem cumparaturile de sarbatori, calcandu-ne in picioare unii pe altii, nu mai conteaza ca o paine ne este suficienta, luam chiar 3…iar pentru cel din spatele nostru, ce mai conteaza, ca nu mai ramane??? Noi si numai noi, atat conteaza… Si atunci sa ma mai mir ca habar nu mai avem sa ne bucuram de sarbatori? Ca am uitat sa fim buni? Umanitari?
S-au terminat sarmalele, carnatii, piftia si cozonacul…. Nu-i bai… Facem altele ca doar vine Revelionul! Ne indopam ca niste retardati cu toate grasimile posibile si ne mai miram apoi ca ne este rau sau ce suntem bolnavi…
Noaptea de Revelion… Pragul dintre ani… Noaptea cea mai mare din an in care totul TREBUIE sa fie perfect, ca deh! “cum pasesti in noul an, asa-ti va fi tot anul”… Pregatiri acasa… frigiderul plin pana la refuz… Coafor, manichiura, pedichiura, rochia impecabila si musai in trend, machiajul ireprosabil… si HOP la local, restaurant, club ce-o fi… iar cand ceasul va bate anul nou, suntem deja prea ametiti, afumati, bauti, distrati si departe de casa…de cele mai multe ori chiar si departe de prieteni… Si atunci? La ce bune toate astea? Cum ai inceput tu cu bine noul an? Cu o rochie noua?

Eu, totusi, va doresc un an nou mai bun! Sa aveti parte doar de calitate si cultura! Sa fiti inconjurati de bunatate si iubire, sub toate formele ei! Va doresc sa fiti mai buni! Sa iubiti mai mult, si sa incepeti prin a va iubi pe voi,prin a va da crezare! Sa visati mai mult si sa zambiti mai des!