For more than a year and a half, I struggle to get home, in Resita. How life did took different turns, at least last year, I didn't hit the road when I would liked to. As all tend to go crazy, for a few months now, I decided to give up all the stress and to go home to my grandmother, to relax, loose my brain damage, to eat and sleep (I so need some extra pounds). :)

The so called Holiday has not started as everyone would liked, but I'm sure it would end much better. We left Bucharest on Monday night. I dropped the idea of leaving by train, cause I got the opportunity to save some bucks. I chose to go on the road, with a good friend of mine, with a van full of merchandise and a detour through the country. Nothing extraordinary, on the contrary, a good opportunity to see something else in this little country, our Romania. Lots of cappuccino (I can not let my relationship with coffee to get cold even on the road ...), stories, good music in the background. Olt Valley, Sibiu ... ... ... Snow looked like it was through fairytale landscapes, I did fall asleep from time to time ... Sibiu - Petrosani.... Andersen fairy scenery. Hamlets with houses covered in snow ... smoke rising from the chimneys of houses, like in the drawings of children's books. Shaking snow out of clouds, puffy as if I lived in a beautiful film that illustrated the Christmas Eve ... Almost expecting to see something like Santa Claus with sleigh and reindeer, somewhere on the horizon ...
Although we were supposed to go from Petrosani to Timisoara,and then Resita , plans had changed and went straight to Resita. I did fall asleep somewhere between Otelul Rosu and Caransebes. At once I heard Sorin (the second driver) voice like I was dreaming, "screaming in a whisper"... a voice easy desperate or scared. "Aoleuuu" ... I opened my eyes and I felt the van dancing on the road... Suddenly all the merchandise in the back was "dancing" with the van... Than everything began to fly and fall all over us... In a split second I saw a pile of mud covered with snow ... and I managed to think ... "FUCK!! This is it s !....." then the hit. I closed my eyes and I heard "Cassie". I felt a hand reaching for my head. Although it happened in seconds ... I honestly say that those were too long ... The van remained stuck in a ditch rather high, on the opposite side of the road ... with the muzzle in the direction from where we came from... I went out trembling like a leaf in the wind deh!! Adrenaline always tells its word ... in less than a minute, I found that I'm ok and I suddenly I needed to smoke a cigarette. It was quiet then ... but in a few moments my phone started to ring. Recognizing the tone ... I yelled "SHITT ... MUM!" ... I didn't said anything to her, I was afraid not to worry her for nothing. I do believe that between us there's a kind of telepathy. Every time I feel bad or wrong, she simply calls me, and since her confession, vice versa.
People here ... WOW! If they would be the same all over, it will be a slight better world! I think there was no car that didn't stop to ask if we needed anything,if we're ok... The traffic police enforcement were great (if someone can believe that), they showed me a restaurant, a few hundred meters from the scene, and told us to go there, for some hot tea, and to keep ourself warm. After about two cups of tea, I began to feel the blows on my feet and head. Indeed I have found a broken fingernail. All in all though, thank God I got away only with that, all of us. A bad day in which almost everything goes wrong, when nothing can be connected. One of those days when you better not get up from bed.

After about 7 hours of waiting in the restaurant, I discovered, thanks to another friend, that I can go home right away by train ... The "Train of Horrors" as we used to name it in the past. Caransebes - Resita, 50 Km of horror... usually stuffed with peasants with bags full of everything for the market, smelling like animals, unwashed, Stinking ... always cold like ice, or dieing of heat in the summer ... And last but not least the 40 or 50 kilometers made in about an hour ... This time, however, for the first time that day, something was going well ...
The train was empty and it was warm! ... I was telling to myself... the same time on the road ... but then I'll get to my grandmother's house and be greeted with love and hot tea as in my childhood days when I get back from sledging ... To my great surprise I found Resita exactly as I remember ... the only disappointing aspect was the quiet on the streets. Even if it was midnight, in the days when we were kids, I doubt that someone will be sleeping peacefully in the early evenings with perfect good snow for sled ...
Yet with all that happened ... I could say that I was finally HOME!, Resita, to my grandmother always loving, to my family that I terribly missed... That HOME which I always dream at and I will always miss ...
scrisu-i dulcic :*...pacat de unghia rupta :))...bine ca esti ok....distractie placuta si enjoy "acasa" la bunica :*:*:*
ReplyDeleteom bun
Sar'na! :) Las' ca unghia creste ea la loc :)
ReplyDeleteIar acasa la bunica, e mai bine ca oriunde... Resita acoperita de zapada, e un peisaj de poveste... si ninge iara... :*
...sunt zile in care ai senzatia ca Zeii tin cu tine...in viata ta exista o persoana, una singura, care nu ti-e ruda,dar careia nu i-ai face rau nici daca ti-ar tine cineva pistolul la tampla...incepe o zi cu acea persoana draga tie, langa tine,in masina... totul merge minunat chiar daca lapovita si ceatza de pe autostrada tin mortis sa te contrazica...timp de 6 ore totul e "soare si lumina" chiar daca afara ninge ca in basmele fratzilor Grimm, peste munti si peste casutele imprastiate la poalele lor..basm...si se intampla acel CEVA care, intr-o clipita, iti rastoarna Universul, la propriu si la figurat...un gest banal, ca o usoara tragere de marginea blugilor care te strang intre picioare si care induce o usoara apasare a acceleratziei..chiar daca esti in viteza a doua...instantaneu ai de rezolvat o ecuatzie cu "n" necunoscute care se modifica in fiecare miliardime de secunda: animalul de 3,5 tone de metal care asculta docil de tine o ia razna "iritat" de gheatza de sub "talpi"...o masina in fatza ta, dihania in care te afli cu fiintza draga tie si cu un coleg derapeaza spre un sant adanc...ORICE DAR NU CU BOTUL!!! iti spui...manevrezi volanul cu tandretze ca si cum ai mangaia incercand sa calmezi dihania, sa o readuci la drumul ei...face o pirueta si revine cu botul pe directie dar fuge iar de spate...auzi voci dar nu intelegi cuvinte...spatele incearca sa ia locul botului masinii indreptandu-l direct spre sant...NU CU FATZA!!! iti fulgera in capul care sta sa explodeze...ochii inregistreaza un podet si un semn de circulatie...transpiratia iti intra in ochi...nu calculezi, nu gandesti, reactionezi animalic, subconstient...instict de conservare...nu mai esti tu..sau poate abia acum esti TU...dihania se indreapta lateral spre santz...botul masinii e inca cel care va suporta impactul...slow motion...sutimi de secunda care dureaza minute...ROTILE DIN FATA PE POD!!! iti suna in nervii incinsi la rosu...roata dreapta fatza tinde sa rateze contactul cu podul...atingi tandru acceleratzia, ambele roti fatza intra pe pod...SPATELE PE SOSEA!!!...glisarea continua, impact cu semnul de circulatie pe mijlocul lateralei drepte a masinii...pentru o fractiune botul e inca deasupra santului, spatele continua sa alunece si se duce spre sant...vezi finalul...te fixezi cu stanga in portiera si cu dreapta prinzi capul fiintzei dragi,abia trezita din somn de tanguirea colegului, intr-o incercare disperata de a o proteja...iti scapa un "Cassie" sugrumat...marfa se aduna spre spate-dreapta, accentueaza alunecarea si antreneaza botul in sant...dihania ramane gemand din toate incheieturile la 45 de grade...
ReplyDelete...impingi pe verticala portiera si mai grea acum si strigi AFARA ACUM!!! dar uti sa spui PE SUS....colegul si fiintza draga tie se strecoara prin geamul celeilalte portiere si se ridica in picioare..sari din masina si tragi scaunul tau in fata in timp ce portiera iti pocneste spatele si capul dar nu o simti, degetele ca niste gheare hidraulice desfac suruburile mult prea stranse de la bornele celor doua baterii ale masinii aflate sub scaunul tau: unghii se rup carne se sfasie, nici tu nu simti si nici sangele nu indrazneste sa curga inca...scapi de sub portiera si te indepartezi cativa pasi de masina, ca un robot... tremuri din toate incheieturile, ti se taie genunchii, in cap iti suna avertismentul BEEP, LOW BATTERY !! SYSTEM IS SHUTTING DOWN, iti repeti disperat NU ACUM!! NU ACUM !!!....miraculos ramai in picioare, o cauti din priviri pe EA...INGERUL...o iei in brate si printre pocniturile care iti maltrateaza urechile auzi NU AM PATZIT NIMIC! SUNT OK! LINISTESTE-TE!...nici nu mai stii daca ai intrebat-o ceva...cauti telefonul in timp ce iti aprinzi o tigara, tragi din tigara o data si simti ca iti arde degetele....ce a urmat?...
ReplyDelete...calvarul?...penitentza?....auzi masini oprind in spatele tau,oameni coborand din ele, voci, nu intelegi nimic, esti un automat de cafea, formezi 112, vorbesti, intalnesti iar privirea EI: o ramura de salcie cu ochii ca doua supernove...subtire, speriata, neajutorata, incercand sa te ajute....te apuca dracii, esti intr-un pullover subtire cu manecile suflecate dar nu simti nici frigul si nici zapada cu fulgi cat nuca ce se aseaza pe tine...ADAPOST e semnalul de prioritate care iti electrocuteaza neuronii deja prajitzi...iti tragi colegul deoparte: "Mergeti in restaurant, mancati ceva, stati la caldura, ai grija de EA!"...nu-ti vezi fata dar sigur ar inspaimanta si un urs...tremuri ca o coarda de chitara dar constati asta de undeva din afara..."Masina!...Trebuie sa o pun pe drum si sa o duc pe EA....ACASA...asta si-a dorit si asta i-am promis tacit!"...mai aprinzi o tigara, iei iar telefonul si pleci de langa masina...mai are rost?...urmeaza 26-28 de ore de stat cu picioarele in niste ghete mustind de apa inghetzata (fix ZERO pe langa ce era in sufletul meu) pana am scos masina si am facut-o functionala...noroc ca exista trenuri si EA a ajuns ACASA in aceasi seara,undeva spre miezul noptii...admirabila faptura!!!...in cele 7 ore de asteptare, m-a sunat o singura data ca sa imi dea un numar de telefon de la cineva care ne-ar fi putut ajuta....niciun apel gen:"Ce faci?" "Cand plecam?" "Ce ai rezolvat?"...a avut incredere in mine si m-a protejat...m-a protejat mai bine decat am protejat-o eu...stiu ca m-a inteles si m-a iertat...privirea aia de fetitza proaspat trezita din somn, speriata de moarte nu-mi va iesi din cap niciodata...stiu ca EA m-a iertat si m-a inteles...ca cei dragi ei, care au aflat evenimentul, m-au iertat si m-au inteles...Zamolxes insusi m-a iertat si m-a inteles, stiu asta....ramane impacarea cu mine insumi...si asta, poate dupa intalnirea cu Zamolxes... s-au mai vazut miracole, am trait unul asa cum va povesteam...dar nu cred ca mi se va intampla asta pana nu dau ochii cu Zamolxes....DA!....Eu sunt faptasul.
ReplyDeleteIts easy to be wise: just think about something stupid and say nothing about it!...
ReplyDeleteSa mergi mai departe inseamna sa stii cand sa te opresti....Va multumesc ca existati in viatza mea!
ReplyDeleteDaca nu ti-am spus-o pana acum o zic acum: esti unul dintre cele mai "norocoase" persoane pe care le stiu..."norocoase" in sensul ca practic esti dovada ca nimic nu e pierdut daca o dai in bara din prima, inteleg...conditii,drum de kkt, distanta, oboseala... toate astea au un efect.
ReplyDeleteE ca un scenariu de film...sau vis... ce ai scris.
Nu uita aici vorbeste cineva care nu prea face romana la scoala dar poate sa gandeasca ... din mintea mea.... tu astepti pe cineva sa iti spuna ca totul e bine....poate ca... nu eu sunt cel cu care trebuie sa stai de vorba...Zamolxes e sus...iti mai da o sansa, te-a lasat sa pleci de acolo pe picioarele tale, tu si toti ceilalti.
Nu am fost acolo, nu am trait asa ceva dar iti zic... tu esti dovada ca indiferent ce se intampla mai e o sansa.
"freedom it's just a word for - noting left to lose"
...iti multumesc,Radu!... la cei 18 ani ai tai, gandesti mai bine decat mine cand cand aveam 30. Dar...ramane intalnirea cu Zamolxes...si semnele pe care mi le va da pana atunci.
ReplyDeleteEu zic... Tot ceea ce s-a intamplat, s-a intamplat cu un scop. Poate ca scopul ala o sa-l aflam alta data, dar sigur el exista!
ReplyDeleteNu voi sterge aceste comentarii, pentru ca acest blog este menit sa "sustina" ceea ce este in sufletul meu si al vostru. E cafeneaua mea virtuala in care fiecare este binevenit sa spuna ce-l doare... ce simte, ce-l macina...