What would have been if love didn't exist at all?
Will be filled with hate? Despise? Without love would we have anything? At all? The arts... Aesthetics? Would we be able to see them? Would we be able to see beauty? Would we even exist????
It seems that people talk about love, only when they think they are IN love... I don't think that is fair. We all love the people around us, at least some of them, we love to do certain things, we love to go in certain places... and so on. We like them. Those things, places, people around us, all of them, are making us happy... They are making us feel that we are alive!
Let's say that love is the spirit that gives birth to all things! Without love, we wouldn't be happy, wouldn't be free. Because freedom is what makes us happy, and love is the only thing that can release us from our nature, banishing our inside demons.
Love is giving you LIFE, it makes you understand everything, it makes you smile or cry, it shows you another dimension of life... the beauty of it, it brings you closer to perfection, it takes you beyond humanity!
Love is not a game for children. In order to know how to play "the game of love", you first have to know something about war, paradoxically. You need to own two big skills : first, you have to know how to win without being arrogant and second to know how to lose without humiliation.
Some used to say that "Love is like ghosts... Many talk about them, but very few actually seen them" - La Rochefoucauld.
Recently I heard: "Whatever the question is, love is the answer"...
But I'm asking you this... How many of us, know how to love?
Unfortunately this amazing feeling, this piece of our existence had become nothing more than a cliche!
YES! LOVE is nothing more than a CLICHE!
People say "I love you" to anybody far too easy, without thinking, without meaning it, without knowing what it is. Instead of being a purpose in our lives, it has become just a WAY for some meaningless purposes!
We celebrate love in one day once a year!!!! We sell it and we buy it! Does love need a specific day to be celebrated? We should enjoy it and give it every second of the day. But we choose to make it commercial and hey! what the Hell we can make some profit from those hopeless people who think that a fluffy red heart with "I love you" will buy some affection! A red fluffy plush heart wont change anybody's soul! But we like them, we buy them, we receive them and maybe give back a smile, or a kiss or a hug... just because it was a "nice thing to do"... We need REASSURANCE, even if is a fake one, just for one single day a year! You hopeless IDIOTS! - that's cheap SEX!
How many of you had actually MADE love? And when was the last time?... I already know the answer... doesn't matter! back then you were IN LOVE... Now is just "common sense" cause you have a wife or a girlfriend that you probably don't even like anymore... You buy her flowers and a red heart once a year, both celebrate THE DAY and then what happens... Yeah! I remembered... You go back living both unhappy, until next year! You act like a jerk, she accommodates... You indulge each other. You indulge your pathetic life! Why? Because you fall in love, in the first place, for a nice wrapping paper... not for the actually gift inside. That is NOT LOVE!
"Loving someone doesn't mean just to look at each other, but to look both in the same direction."
We should offer it without thinking what do we get in exchange... Love shouldn't be conditioned by anything, by anybody. To love somebody means to take chances! To love someone is to know that person has the potential to destroy your heart, yet none the less you take the risk knowing that success would be worth it.
No person is worth your tears and the one who is will not make you cry.
Tell me, when you are telling that stupid cliche "Oh!...I love you, so much...!", what do you actually feel? Do you even look in the other person's eyes? Which is your purpose? What are you trying to achieve?
You don't have to say it, all you have to do is JUST GIVE, without waiting anything in return! Tell me, when you make another person smile, you don't feel better? "What goes around, comes around!" -remember that, always!
Someone told me once, "I don't believe in words!", I don't either. I don't believe in THOSE WORDS, cause they became too fake, too easy, too meaningless... But I still believe in LOVE, no matter what risks lays ahead. I truly believe that love is answer to absolutely everything! We should start to learn how to love ourselves, those around us and especially LIFE. We shall start appreciating what we have and start living, LIFE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL, but only if we want to make it!
Everything is a matter of choice! Choose to think better and everything will be better!
STOP WAITING FOR A MIRACLE in order to change your life! BE THE MIRACLE!
I heard that line many times, especially in a movie - "Bruce Almighty", some years ago.
We spend our lives waiting. We actually loose our lives waiting! We miss life and we die still waiting! We lay in bed in the morning but we don't get up yet, cause we're waiting for the alarm to go on... We wait to go to work. At work we wait to go home. wait to eat, wait to sleep, wait for the next day... We wait for answers. Or some questions. We wait for salaries, holidays, birthdays... and so on. We wait for a better day. We wait for a miracle to happen and change our lives forever. We wait for that change. We wait our lives away!!!!
BE THE MIRACLE! STOP WAITING! Open your eyes a little bit wider and look around you more carefully. Everything that surrounds you is a small miracle.
"You can't be a miracle for yourself, you have to do it for someone else" someone told me, and I couldn't agree more. The basics of a great society - a society, cause we live in a freakin' JUNGLE - it's pretty dam simple : FOR AN INDIVIDUAL TO BE HIS BEST, he has to think and do best for himself but also for those around him!
Unfortunately we are great at doing best for us, and not care at all for those around us. That won't save us from waiting. Because if we decide to do some good for someone else, at some point, we WILL WAIT for something, sometime, in return! Guess what, that waiting will only bring disappointment, which will be associated with betray and... and loose faith in humanity.
We tend to make choices and not think about consequences for others. We choose to be selfish. we choose to hate. We choose absolutely everything! We choose how to think, what to eat or drink, we choose easy instead of right. We choose to complain instead of act. We choose complicated instead of simple.... We have a choice in everything! Except birth and death.
"What goes around comes around!"
Give, appreciate, love.
Take things the way they are. Every action is followed by a CHAIN - REACTION!
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