"Ladies and Gentlemen fasten your seat belts, in about 10 min, we're going to land in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, the European Forgotten Land... "
You found yourself thinking at so many things that even you don't have the smallest idea of what's going on in that head of yours.... Never happened to you? Well, to me it did. And it did so many times, that I'm having a headache just trying to remember.... What exactly I was thinking????? Aaaanyway... After a couple of days away, coming back in Romania, just gave me some sort of ugly feelings... depression, sadness and anger...
Don't feel a little embarrassed when you hear applauses when you're in a airplane and they land it??? What would they do if it crashes??? "Booo" the pilot???
What is the biggest pleasure that you get from life????
STOP thinking about SEX, what else???
I, for example, love to travel, always did and doubt that is going to change... Although I didn't too much, I enjoy it! I love it! And I love because it can give me that "brain orgasm" that every man in his right minds will look for...
The problem occurs when I go somewhere and people ask me... "Where you from?".... In those moments a taste of bitter is on my throat and my brain simply avoids to help me speak...
" I'm... aaaaa.... I'm..... hmmmm....aaaa.... from...aaaa.... Romania..." Where every romanian child dreams of becoming a gypsy... and they... somehow....manage to do so....."
That wouldn't be such a great problem... if it didn't affect me... But guess what??? It DOES! I'm ashamed of MY own country! Is this right? Is this normal??? Is this OK, to be embarrassed to recognize my origins? To say proudly I am from Romania? Can anyone do that at this moment?
THEY are trying to learn us in school our history, but we don't give a shit about it - history is just sooooo boring!... They tell us to be proud of our beautiful country and history and landscapes... YES! We have a past and we have a country - but I always like to say - too bad this country has actually people living in it, but unfortunately that's all we have left! An amazing story told by our teachers in schools... How did our ancestors resisted all the attacks from all the other people that wanted to grab our resources... Wow! and what bravery, what courage they had to defeat the conquerors... History, YES! But they don't tell us in school that our ancestors were the scum of the roman society combined with the savage drunker that they manage to conquer on this lands.... And we are still wondering why our people is the way it is??? Well.... Study the history more closer...
We have so many natural riches .... The mountains, the Danube and Delta....hills, the Sphinx ... sea side... Indeed all amazing... and what do we do?... We don't give a shit about them!
And even worse than not caring is destroying everything that we could use in our benefits! We are accusing each others and our Government, blaming today some of them, tomorrow others... but we DO NOTHING ABOUT IT! We're complaining to our family, our neighbors, the salesman from the market... and do nothing else! If our ancestors were brave... we had become THE PEOPLE OF COWARDICE!!!! We accuse and blame...but we forgot that we put our Government in charge! We chose them! We only have to blame ourself for everything that is going on....
A week ago, reading my e-mails I found one article that not only made me sad... but angry and started to cry in front of the computer... We have The Danube Delta, an amazing place filed with beauty... vegetation and fauna... most of them unique... right?
We have the so called wild horses... (they are so called, because they used to belong and be used by the peasants and released in the wild, when they no longer wanted them)... The same peasants, now are complaining about devastation and blame the horses for it... so what do we do???? KILL them! But no... we don't just kill them... we have to torture first... Isn't it? And to be worse, some of the peasants, when they heard they can actually gain something from those horses... they start to recognize them... and sell them to the people that were hired to "put them to sleep"... And probably they even go to watch others torture their "lost" animals....
INVOLUTION is our middle name! Instead of building a country, a community, a society.... what do we do??? NOTHING than COMPLAIN!
"A nation is only a individual multiplied" - Mark Twain though that, I believe that... what about you???
Let me tell you, what do you believe in... SELFISHNESS!!! You feel so good being selfish...so what if the human next to you has nothing to eat tonight? You throw away what you don't want to eat anymore, so they can dig through your trash... and the only thing that you feel is happiness cause your not in their position. But what if you were?
You feel good, you feel like a god dam GOD when you pull something off, even though you had to fuck other people around to gain your "trophy". You study other people and judge them... You blame everybody else but don't look in the mirror to see and realize your own fuck ups... You think you know everything, you think your are the best! And worse... you admire other people selfishness... but they always can do better, NO ONE CAN BE AS SELFISH AS YOU! You have respect for nobody and nothing in this world except for you... but you expect for everybody else to look up at you, to respect you... to admire you... to WORSHIP you....
And all that... JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN!!!????
"ME... ME...ME.... MINE... I CAN..."
YES! I AM ANGRY! And I want you to get angry and just say STOP!
Why am I so angry about?.... Because I had the "unfortunate" chance to see a difference! I didn't care too much about it...until...
Because, to build a "healthy" society, you, as an individual have to be good and happy and healthy, but so the others around you.... You have to think best for yourself, but also for those around you....
You go travel, enjoy life, enjoy yourself... You are able to say "WOW! That's amazing! How did they do it?".... And as long as nobody asked you where your from... You feel happy and even forget the troubles and misery from BACK home...
The holiday is over and I'm heading BACK home... A sense of regret is trying me, but always keep telling myself.... "There's no place like home"... I LOVE MY COUNTRY, but NOT the people who live in it!... And the proof.... didn't delay too much...
Picture this....
A couple of km of traffic jam on the highway.... After a couple of hours of driving, you are starting to be a little bit sensitive to shit.... Get pissed off because you hate traffic and really want to move FORWARD.... But guess what?.....
Two truck drivers... suddenly decide to have a chat!!!????!!!.... DRIVING with 20km/h.... blocking the whole highway..... Everybody blow their cars horns but the only thing that happens is... getting even more ANGRY! Is so easy to be selfish and not give a crap about those around you... Is so easy NOT TO RESPECT!
Finally they decide to "talk later".... Long lost distant cousin, probably.... and as you pass them.... SHIT! They ARE romanians!!!!....
Let me tell you that the only thing that you see is... black in front of your eyes.... Try to hide away! You feel ashamed... you feel embarrassed by your own people....
And that has to come to an end!
To be continued.....
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