“Common sense is the genius of humanity.” – J.W. Von Goethe
Humanity, ah! Such a wonderful word. The truth is we have no idea what the fuck is that. We look at ourselves in the mirror and say… “I am a human being” but except the fact that we still walk biped and we still use articulate language… What’s left from us?
We forgot so many things, that we got into the point where we have no idea what are we living for. We were born with the capacity to love, to think rational, to create, to feel. We are all capable to do those things, but how many of us are actually doing it? How many of us chose to be a honorable person, sensitive to others feelings and needs?
Since the beginning of the civilizations, art had a very important role in the development of mankind. Art grew along centuries giving to the geniuses of each period the desire to do better. To be better than the artist master. Brave men! And most of them were. What about today? How many of us have the desire to create something exceptional? To be exceptional? To be different and show it to the world? All those lighted minds wanted to leave something behind them. What we’ll leave behind us? You will say “life is too hard to think at anything else than survival!” Is it? Was different then? Do you actually think that the ones that lived before us had lived “La vie en rose”? They just put value on other things. They used to be observers, we are just consumers. The only desire that we have in life is to make money. Yes! They make life so much easier, but is this the life? Is this our purpose in this world? We shouldn't see anything else?
The more we have the more we want. The more we want, the greedier we become. The greedier we become, the more we destroy. We become selfish. We lose faith and trust, and I’m not talking about religion. We lose what we call humanity. We forget that rational thinking is the most powerful tool that we have. We become so selfish, that we even forget how to respect ourselves. We are so hungry to get, that we forget how to get it right. We don’t care anymore about anything or anybody around us.We only give in order to receive.
If I have to go back to the arts… Everything has become nothing more than an industry. We make things just for selling them and don’t care about the quality that is reflecting our personality. Don’t tell me that this is self respect! Take music for example. I have a huge problem, because I consider myself a consumer… but I have nothing to consume anymore, and I refuse to eat someone else garbage because they put it on the market. What happened with the “I have talent and I can offer the world something great!”? Now is just… “I can fabric talent in order to gain something from the world.” Those who actually have something to give are put to the wall and shot because no one what’s somebody who offers. They want to sell. And what do you do in order to sell garbage? Promote on mass-media. And promote it with such belief that even the most “illuminated” mind will try your product. Once they try it, there is no turning back. The poison takes control of the consumer’s brain and it kills it softly but sure. Everything that mass-media has to give is becoming a new fashion. And for what? For those few people who control everything, in order to keep you blind. What can they do with a slave that thinks???
Power and control. Divide and conquer. Those are the new purposes in a “human” life. The new rules of “humanity”. The only things that are admired and used. And soon they will poison us all. It’s just a matter of time.
Victor Hugo described to poet to be “the man that has to have only one model: nature, and only one cause and guide: the truth.” I say it should apply to every human in this world. In order to do that we have to be brave. Are we?
Why do I write these things? Because this is my place, where I can speak free, without being interrupted by poisoned minds.
Art is nothing more than a huge mirror which is showing us our true face. Is dam ugly, these days, isn’t it? Those who call themselves artist, have nothing to offer. The artists should love life and show us that life is beautiful. We don’t have that anymore, and yes! We doubt that life can be beautiful. We are cowards. We prefer to hide from the truth in order to be “comfortable” in our pathetic little lives.You can't win without effort!
What do I suggest? Stop. Stop in the middle of the street and look at the sky and tell me what you see. Stop being ashamed that people will think you’re crazy. Look at the starry sky and let his mystery overwhelm your mind and senses. Do you think that Van Gogh will have painted the “Starry night” without seeing it first?
Stop listening to rough sounds instead of listen to the birds singing! It will take you the same amount of time. Stop looking at TV or read tons of useless newspapers. Try to read a book and stimulate your imagination. Take off your horse glasses and look around you. Start using your brain or it will soon die!
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