Darwin was so so so wrong! Humans are still apes... NO! Actually they are worse than apes!
Unfortunately with every second spent in the company of people, outside "in the free eye of the world", with great sorrow I come to the conclusion... that... BROTHERS and SISTERS, we're going backwards! With small and then bigger and bigger and more secure steps... we are going towards a sure INVOLUTION! YES! Darwin was wrong when he said that everything evolves. The only thing that evolves around us is technology, so we can become more lazy asses, and do less things! If a robot could eat, piss and shit for us, WILL BE PERFECT! Wouldn't it?
Everything coexists and adapts.... BUT US!!!! We just like to consume and consume and consume and don't give a crap about anything else! And we are still wondering why the Ozone layer is getting thinner, why natural cataclysms hits everywhere over the world.... ??? Yeah! I have a great idea... LET'S ALL BLAME GOD FOR IT! The angry God! How can we blame us and our humble living??? "Oh! The apocalypse is coming!!! The end of the world is here! God is good, but angry on our sins... Let's all repent!!!" YOU PATHETIC MORONS! Don't act, don't do anything
else than pray and repent to GOD!
Yeah! That will save us!
I am so sick of it! So sick of you! With your go-by attitude! Sick of falsehood, sick of "fitze" and "manele" everywhere I go! Sick of ignorance, fake but so colored useless smiles! Sick of seeing that most of "my people" are unable to talk their own language properly, but they can speak other foreign languages - well, more or LESS! Not to mention about writing... Reading something else that "Can-Can" or other bullshit newspapers full with Columbeanu or Becali, or who the fuck else is in the attention of Mass-Media today... THAT'S ANCIENT HISTORY right now! I am sick of you out there which always study me when I go for a walk or when taking the metro, just because I don't give a shit on latest fashion! You call me crazy and you look at me like I'm some sort of psychopath just cause you can hear violin or piano from my headset! I'm wearing them so I can ignore you IDIOTS better! But even with them, I can feel, see and hear how your fooling around about me! And to be honest... I DON'T GIVE A CRAP! It's quite amusing actually!
I have few friends, but more than enough. They are few cause THEY CAN THINK! They can use their own brains and they are not pretending to be something else! They know the sense of the words like: HUMANITY, LOVE, CARE... The DICTIONARY will be a great book for you, boys and girls!
I'm sick of living in a world without PERSONALITY!!! You, are all the same! You look the same, dress the same, smell the same, eat the same things, walk the same, act the same!!! SAME SAME SAME SHIT everywhere I look!
All of you act like you are some sort of a boss, director, banker... Have the same crappy attitude!
You wear expensive clothes, drive luxurious cars, you do anything possible JUST TO SHOW OFF, even if your ass is owned by banks for all these lack of personality cool looks. You think that you are better than everybody else that goes as a honest and humble soul... The truth is... No, wait i love this ... " YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!" , that you are more pathetic and hypocritical than anyone else ! You are just a WORTHLESS PIECE OF WALKING MEAT, with an useless brain attach to it! 
You have destroyed the idea of society... You are "THE ELITE", you selfish jokers! You are a JOKE of life! Unfortunately, you jokes, control the life of too many cowards and too many powerless honest people! Because being honest it's a SHAME that we have to carry!
You eat at luxurious restaurants, you drink "apa plata cu lamaie", keep a healthy diet but topped with the greatest chocolate cake that you can find! You pay with golden credit card and GOD FORBID to tip the waiter that had to endure all of your "spits". And finish eeeevery evening getting DEAD DRUNK under the tables, with, MUST, Jack Daniel's cause it's such a great whiskey brand... Snobs! Even if you have no fucking idea how it taste, but IT'S a NEW FASHION! Take some cocktails that just sounds exotic, and smash your liver into pieces, cause it looks good! Like you have an idea what your drinking.... or how much work, effort and school has a bartender, comparing to you, anyway...
Finally you decide to go home! The SHOW OFF for today is over!... But sadly... you are still living with your parents, probably, or you enter the hallway of you building and manage to hold your breath...until you have passed the garbage bins... Cinderella is home with both shoes...
You enter your home, turn on TV and watch more idiotic shows that are educating you with more of "ELITE SOCIETY" shit! Someone else has to tell you HOW TO ACT, DRESS, EAT, LOOK... 
Ladies and gentlemen's.... THAT'S EVOLUTION!?!
Gladiators... I SALUTE YOU!