Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Darwin was WRONG

Darwin was so so so wrong! Humans are still apes... NO! Actually they are worse than apes!

Unfortunately with every second spent in the company of people, outside "in the free eye of the world", with great sorrow I come to the conclusion... that... BROTHERS and SISTERS, we're going backwards! With small and then bigger and bigger and more secure steps... we are going towards a sure INVOLUTION! YES! Darwin was wrong when he said that everything evolves. The only thing that evolves around us is technology, so we can become more lazy asses, and do less things! If a robot could eat, piss and shit for us, WILL BE PERFECT! Wouldn't it?

Everything coexists and adapts.... BUT US!!!! We just like to consume and consume and consume and don't give a crap about anything else! And we are still wondering why the Ozone layer is getting thinner, why natural cataclysms hits everywhere over the world.... ??? Yeah! I have a great idea... LET'S ALL BLAME GOD FOR IT! The angry God! How can we blame us and our humble living??? "Oh! The apocalypse is coming!!! The end of the world is here! God is good, but angry on our sins... Let's all repent!!!" YOU PATHETIC MORONS! Don't act, don't do anything

else than pray and repent to GOD! Yeah! That will save us!
I am so sick of it! So sick of you! With your go-by attitude! Sick of falsehood, sick of "fitze" and "manele" everywhere I go! Sick of ignorance, fake but so colored useless smiles! Sick of seeing that most of "my people" are unable to talk their own language properly, but they can speak other foreign languages - well, more or LESS! Not to mention about writing... Reading something else that "Can-Can" or other bullshit newspapers full with Columbeanu or Becali, or who the fuck else is in the attention of Mass-Media today... THAT'S ANCIENT HISTORY right now! I am sick of you out there which always study me when I go for a walk or when taking the metro, just because I don't give a shit on latest fashion! You call me crazy and you look at me like I'm some sort of psychopath just cause you can hear violin or piano from my headset! I'm wearing them so I can ignore you IDIOTS better! But even with them, I can feel, see and hear how your fooling around about me! And to be honest... I DON'T GIVE A CRAP! It's quite amusing actually!
I have few friends, but more than enough. They are few cause THEY CAN THINK! They can use their own brains and they are not pretending to be something else! They know the sense of the words like: HUMANITY, LOVE, CARE... The DICTIONARY will be a great book for you, boys and girls! I know, IT'S TOO MUCH FOR YOU!

I'm sick of living in a world without PERSONALITY!!! You, are all the same! You look the same, dress the same, smell the same, eat the same things, walk the same, act the same!!! SAME SAME SAME SHIT everywhere I look!
All of you act like you are some sort of a boss, director, banker... Have the same crappy attitude!
You wear expensive clothes, drive luxurious cars, you do anything possible JUST TO SHOW OFF, even if your ass is owned by banks for all these lack of personality cool looks. You think that you are better than everybody else that goes as a honest and humble soul... The truth is... No, wait i love this ... " YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!" , that you are more pathetic and hypocritical than anyone else ! You are just a WORTHLESS PIECE OF WALKING MEAT, with an useless brain attach to it!

You have destroyed the idea of society... You are "THE ELITE", you selfish jokers! You are a JOKE of life! Unfortunately, you jokes, control the life of too many cowards and too many powerless honest people! Because being honest it's a SHAME that we have to carry!
You eat at luxurious restaurants, you drink "apa plata cu lamaie", keep a healthy diet but topped with the greatest chocolate cake that you can find! You pay with golden credit card and GOD FORBID to tip the waiter that had to endure all of your "spits". And finish eeeevery evening getting DEAD DRUNK under the tables, with, MUST, Jack Daniel's cause it's such a great whiskey brand... Snobs! Even if you have no fucking idea how it taste, but IT'S a NEW FASHION! Take some cocktails that just sounds exotic, and smash your liver into pieces, cause it looks good! Like you have an idea what your drinking.... or how much work, effort and school has a bartender, comparing to you, anyway...

Finally you decide to go home! The SHOW OFF for today is over!... But sadly... you are still living with your parents, probably, or you enter the hallway of you building and manage to hold your breath...until you have passed the garbage bins... Cinderella is home with both shoes...
You enter your home, turn on TV and watch more idiotic shows that are educating you with more of "ELITE SOCIETY" shit! Someone else has to tell you HOW TO ACT, DRESS, EAT, LOOK...

Ladies and gentlemen's.... THAT'S EVOLUTION!?!

Gladiators... I SALUTE YOU!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Girls.....!?! - THE END

Yes! Shoot me for telling the truth!
It's a wild world, no matter how hard you try to see something else... But... GIRLS... are WILDER!!!
I've been telling you about the "instinct jobs", which we are unable to do... I've been talking about biggest addiction women have : SHOPPING and TELEPHONE! Now it's time to talk about "HIM", or as the girlfriends name them: "THE ONE!"
Yes! "Prince Charming"... Who MUST be gorgeous, preferably green or blue eyes, silky hair, athletic, well educated, good taste for everything, romantic, with great manners, sensitive to her values, willing to start a family, with a great house, great car(s) and very stable from all points of view and especially financially! He MUST love her cat (dog, bird...), he MUST adore her family. He must buy her flowers and chocolate and whatever teddy bear with hearts and love signs, just because is Sunday! He MUST WORSHIP HER every second! After eeeeverything on the list is checked... and the girlfriends give the "approval"... "La vie en rose" begins... Butterflies in the stomach, flying pink hearts everywhere... and BANG! She THINKS she's IN LOVE with the poor bastard! Love is the air... Everything is pink and fluffy! (Now we assume that HE IS ALL IN FOR HER) And I think everybody should know, that this means that HE has an interest! And that's SEX!... She's happy... Maybe he will be happy in the bedroom and everything will go on juuuust perfect!
He's falling for her BARBIE LOOK and her SWEETNESS and SMARTNESS and everything that SHE so DELICATE does! Maybe he will buy her THE RING! with which she will praise among her girlfriends, colleagues and all family members... actually among everybody around her... SHE is now between the ELITE of WOMEN SOCIETY! This will make her the FEMALE MODEL of all times! Everybody is talking about her, and everybody admires her "successful smile"! This is the "honey moon"... This is when the POOR BASTARDS should WAKE UP! THIS WILL END before you can say "MARRIAGE"! But NO! They will move together!!! GOD SAVE US ALL!
Suddenly he will start to discover how she looks without all the make up that she's wearing... and I'm not talking only about mascara and lipstick here! He will start to feel miserable around her! He will start to go out with the boys more often... and come home later and later, and more tired everyday! He's starting to lose interest! Why? Because now SHE IS ALL IN and she doesn't care anymore! She WON! She has HIM! This is the time when women SHOULD WAKE UP!
And what do women do??? Hmmmm... What they know BEST!

THEY START TO THINK WAAAAAAY TO MUCH! At first she's trying to keep her calm, if your lucky, that WON'T happen and you will find out the true face of her before you just say YES! But most of you guys out there... don't have that luck! You POOR BASTARDS!
WOMEN ARE EVIL! And they will do eeeeevrything to get to THE DAY of their life: WEDDING DAY! It has to be all about her! The little princess has to be perfect! And the nightmare begins! Diets.... face treatments, nails, hair... eeeeverything! The perfect WHITE WEDDING DRESS! - Why does it HAVE to be white, anyway???
YES! This is the most important day of a girls life! BULLSHIT! Most of you out there at age 60 have at least 2-3 of those MOST IMPORTANT DAYS! Aaaaanyway... your both there and ALL GODS SAVE HIM if he's a little reluctant, cause you will just step on his foot for a start!
After that... the HELL ON EARTH RAGES! She will start a fight over aaaanything! He will not be the same man that you fall in love for.... Why? Because being so suspicious will only push him away! And if fights are not working to change his behavior you will start to behave better, and he will think that everything is Ok, but you are miserable and unhappy! And after failing with good behavior... Hmmmm.... Girls unleash the secret weapon! THE EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL!!!
"YOU DON'T LOVE ME! You don't appreciate me, and what I did for you! and how much I love you......!"
Honestly???? Do you think THAT will ever work???? He will LEAVE you! He WAS your "Prince Charming" but you with your attitude LOST HIM! You have only yourself to blame for! Men are simple! We make things so complicated! Because WE THINK TO MUCH! over nothing!

Suddenly life changes... You are no longer THE PRINCESS! You face reality... That's a good thing, IF YOU START TO LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES! Which in most cases is not happening... You became frustrated and mean, and jealous on every women who's happier than you, and you CAN NOT ADMIT that you have been defeated.... BY YOURSELF!!!
Aren't you getting bored over this? Going over and over again trough this??? Same old details? The same pathetic excuses every time?
You, GIRLS, are loosing your beauty and charm, drowning in all these details about looks and clothes, and fashion and.... whatever else! You lost yourself between hair color and designers clothes.... You are a different species! You have always been.... But you forgot the most important thing at all.... TO BE A WOMAN! To be the women that they are wishing for! To be the same woman that they fall in love for, in the first place! Why? Because you are FAKE! You are following a tabloid...
Try to be more like you feel... Try to chill, try to enjoy the sunlight, not just for a good tan. Try to enjoy every simple thing that live is giving you! You probably won't have the second chance!
Don't sell yourself cheap! Find value and goodness, that exists in eeeeverybody!
STOP JUDGING and start to look closer!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Girls.....!?! - Part II

I'm a woman and I can not understand you girls AT ALL!!! Again I have the need to tell you that, maybe there are some exceptions out there, somewhere, but they are there JUST TO CONFIRM THE GENERAL RULE!
women shopping
I don't understand how you can spend hours in a MALL without finding anything on your taste... You haven't missed a shelf, a hanger... You go out shopping without having any real need. And if it happens to need something... well... you spend a fortune on things that you don't need, and still need something.... That's a little fucked up! don't you think?!? You buy tones of clothes, and never wear them, or just do it once or twice... thats a need??? Wow... That's an ADDICTION!
You feel down, stressed... depressed... lonely... ????
EAT A CHOCOLATE! Costs less and it's actually helpful and healthful!

And then... after seeing eeeeverything that it is to see.... Everything that's A MUST see... You finally decide to chill a little... with GIRLFRIENDS of course! You go for a coffee and spend another few hours talking about nonsenses! How can you spend even 15 minutes talking about THOSE shoes??? Or "THE ONE"... Or whatever other unimportant things...

And after all that.... you go home and figure out you forgot to tell your girlfriends something really important... and here is where the PHONE becomes the most important think you'll ever have! And you go on and on.... and on talking with your friends, about "REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS" like... So, GIRLS can someone please (NOT) tell me, as percent, how much lace does a pair of bikini MUST be? Black? Red??? I forgot... this season is BLUE! Shoot me for that! And God forbid to see HIM talk on the phone more than you, even if it might be something IMPORTANT.... cause then... HE'S FUCKED!

To be continued really soon....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Girls.....!?! - Part I

Ok! Ok! Ok! I know ... I'm part of the same race. Yes! RACE! GENOTYPE! You know, men are from Mars, Women are from Venus ... What? You haven't you heard this story before? Hmmm....
Than open your eyes wider and see that we are totally different. The only thing that makes a connection between us is the biological part, our biped walking and articulated language... Besides that we are just another animal species.
Everybody tels me that I should been born a boy... Unfortunately mum just had to wish for a girl.

GIRLS!!!! Wake up! Please! 99% of you out there are making me ashamed that I'm one of you! Stop overreacting to eeeeeverything. Try to chill out a little bit, try to find your place because you have no fucking clue where or what it is! It is time to understand that we are totally different than men... We can't and never will act like them, do the things they do. We will never have their instincts and so on... And it works both ways... but the problem is that the only men that are trying to act like a woman are GAY!
Our brains are different, we use them in different ways! no matter how hard we try to do the other way! If, GOD SAVE US ALL, we were able to think the same or do the same things.... the entire planet will probably be PINK and FLUFFY!!!????.... Each one of us is born to make his difference!
From the physical point of view, you have to admit that we are weaker, thinking about the psychical part... WOW!!! GIRLS WE THINK WAAAAY TOO MUCH! And it's bad! We almost never act from our instinct. We think and make accurate mathematics, 10 times, even for the simplest thing that we do : going to market??? - fuck! that's a head explosion! - and with all the thinking, we still go home with something missing. It is also true that if everybody will think the way men do... well... the planet will probably been populated by apes. We do not want to accept or at least see that we are unique and being different is what define us! Nobody thinks the same. Everybody has a different IQ! We see too many details, men see the facts. The only details that they can perceive is our sizes: ass, boobs, the length of our legs; and that only because that leads to some instinct. Come on!You know what I'm talking about! :D
And if some decades ago, we weren't even allowed to vote, now the democracy is all over our heads and MISUNDERSTOOD!!!! We want to replace men in everything that they do, and because our brain has a mind of his own... Men are single tasking, that's THE way they can do things best.... We're NOT!
We want gender equality but we start to cry and complain about everything that seems a bit harder to do. We can't conceive that we are just simply born DIFFERENT! It is true that out there, might be some exceptions... but they are there just to CONFIRM THE GENERAL RULE!!!
GIRLS! our place is not on the streets behind wheels! That's an INSTINCT JOB! Annual we're having more car accidents and kill more people than a drunker behind wheel... But they don't show that on TV, because they will loose 70% of their rating. We have no fucking idea which is right or left! NO!!! NO!!!!! THE OTHER LEFT!!!!! Crash... Boom... Bang!... You have the impression that all of those will going to change once time passes and the "experience" comes... Well... IT WON'T!!! You don't earn instincts! You are born with them! Which... WE'RE NOT!
I'm a 25 years older girl, woman... whatever you want to call me... and STILL CAN NOT UNDERSTAND YOU! And if a woman can't understand a women... what the Hell do you expect from a man???? Serious?? Think again!
One night over a glass of wine, having a great discussion with one of my friends we agreed on the conclusion that : "If someone EVER will discover what's in a woman brain.... well... that someone will just discover the 7th SENSE!"

To be continued....