I'm a woman and I can not understand you girls AT ALL!!! Again I have the need to tell you that, maybe there are some exceptions out there, somewhere, but they are there JUST TO CONFIRM THE GENERAL RULE!
I don't understand how you can spend hours in a MALL without finding anything on your taste... You haven't missed a shelf, a hanger... You go out shopping without having any real need. And if it happens to need something... well... you spend a fortune on things that you don't need, and still need something.... That's a little fucked up! don't you think?!? You buy tones of clothes, and never wear them, or just do it once or twice... thats a need??? Wow... That's an ADDICTION!
You feel down, stressed... depressed... lonely... ????
EAT A CHOCOLATE! Costs less and it's actually helpful and healthful! 
And then... after seeing eeeeverything that it is to see.... Everything that's A MUST see... You finally decide to chill a little... with GIRLFRIENDS of course! You go for a coffee and spend another few hours talking about nonsenses! How can you spend even 15 minutes talking about THOSE shoes??? Or "THE ONE"... Or whatever other unimportant things...
And after all that.... you go home and figure out you forgot to tell your girlfriends something really important... and here is where the PHONE becomes the most important think you'll ever have! And you go on and on.... and on talking with your friends, about "REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS" like... So, GIRLS can someone please (NOT) tell me, as percent, how much lace does a pair of bikini MUST be? Black? Red??? I forgot... this season is BLUE! Shoot me for that! And God forbid to see HIM talk on the phone more than you, even if it might be something IMPORTANT.... cause then... HE'S FUCKED!
To be continued really soon....
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