Yes! Shoot me for telling the truth!
It's a wild world, no matter how hard you try to see something else... But... GIRLS... are WILDER!!!
I've been telling you about the "instinct jobs", which we are unable to do... I've been talking about biggest addiction women have : SHOPPING and TELEPHONE! Now it's time to talk about "HIM", or as the girlfriends name them: "THE ONE!"
Yes! "Prince Charming"... Who MUST be gorgeous, preferably green or blue eyes, silky hair, athletic, well educated, good taste for everything, romantic, with great manners, sensitive to her values, willing to start a family, with a great house, great car(s) and very stable from all points of view and especially financially! He MUST love her cat (dog, bird...), he MUST adore her family. He must buy her flowers and chocolate and whatever teddy bear with hearts and love signs, just because is Sunday! He MUST WORSHIP HER every second! After eeeeverything on the list is checked... and the girlfriends give the "approval"... "La vie en rose" begins... Butterflies in the stomach, flying pink hearts everywhere... and BANG! She THINKS she's IN LOVE with the poor bastard! Love is the air... Everything is pink and fluffy! (Now we assume that HE IS ALL IN FOR HER) And I think everybody should know, that this means that HE has an interest! And that's SEX!... She's happy... Maybe he will be happy in the bedroom and everything will go on juuuust perfect!
Suddenly he will start to discover how she looks without all the make up that she's wearing... and I'm not talking only about mascara and lipstick here! He will start to feel miserable around her! He will start to go out with the boys more often... and come home later and later, and more tired everyday! He's starting to lose interest! Why? Because now SHE IS ALL IN and she doesn't care anymore! She WON! She has HIM! This is the time when women SHOULD WAKE UP!
And what do women do??? Hmmmm...
What they know BEST!
At first she's trying to keep her calm, if your lucky, that WON'T happen and you will find out the true face of her before you just say YES! But most of you guys out there... don't have that luck! You POOR BASTARDS!
WOMEN ARE EVIL! And they will do eeeeevrything to get to THE DAY of their life: WEDDING DAY! It has to be all about her! The little princess has to be perfect! And the nightmare begins! Diets.... face treatments, nails, hair... eeeeverything! The perfect WHITE WEDDING DRESS! - Why does it HAVE to be white, anyway???
YES! This is the most important day of a girls life! BULLSHIT! Most of you out there at age 60 have at least 2-3 of those MOST IMPORTANT DAYS! Aaaaanyway... your both there and ALL GODS SAVE HIM if he's a little reluctant, cause you will just step on his foot for a start!
After that... the HELL ON EARTH RAGES! She will start a fight over aaaanything! He will not be the same man that you fall in love for.... Why? Because being so suspicious will only push him away! And if fights are not working to change his behavior you will start to behave better, and he will think that everything is Ok, but you are miserable and unhappy! And after failing with good behavior... Hmmmm.... Girls unleash the secret weapon! THE EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL!!!
Honestly???? Do you think THAT will ever work???? He will LEAVE you! He WAS your "Prince Charming" but you with your attitude LOST HIM! You have only yourself to blame for! Men are simple! We make things so complicated! Because WE THINK TO MUCH! over nothing!
Aren't you getting bored over this? Going over and over again trough this??? Same old details? The same pathetic excuses every time?
You, GIRLS, are loosing your beauty and charm, drowning in all these details about looks and clothes, and fashion and.... whatever else! You lost yourself between hair color and designers clothes.... You are a different species! You have always been.... But you forgot the most important thing at all.... TO BE A WOMAN! To be the women that they are wishing for! To be the same woman that they fall in love for, in the first place! Why? Because you are FAKE! You are following a tabloid...
Try to be more like you feel... Try to chill, try to enjoy the sunlight, not just for a good tan. Try to enjoy every simple thing that live is giving you! You probably won't have the second chance!
Don't sell yourself cheap! Find value and goodness, that exists in eeeeverybody!
STOP JUDGING and start to look closer!
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