Love is cruel. Is risky. Is dangerous. Is sneaky. Is sorrow.
Love is beautiful. Is self sufficient. Is happiness. Is kind. Is understanding. Is forgiveness.
The greatest danger that you will encounter in this endless quest for love, is that you tend to lose yourself.Can you risk that? Are you willing to give yourself up just to feel the touch of love? Are you willing to give yourself up just for some moments of perfection?
Think hard. It's not an easy answer, and to answer this question you have to have the power to analyze yourself.
Every time, we say yes! And we start to lose ourselves in it, we love how we feel in the beginning, we embrace everything.... Later on we freak out because of something happened, we go back in past and start to make parallels with the present, and start to run away, unaware of that retreat, most of the time.
“When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.”
Most of us, run our full lives, hiding from relation to relation, thinking that it was a fail, because of that and that and that. Did any of us, looked deep inside to see the real reason? The real fear?
Every single one of us is afraid to give up himself, if we do, we do it just up to a point. Everyone is afraid that will get hurt and will meet those other faces of love : sorrow, sadness, loneliness and aware of not, we go into retreat.
"The first cut is the deepest" is true. Very few people among us had healed or manage to deal with that first cut. We hide ourselves and say that we did. The scar was always there in the shadows of our minds : THE FEAR OF HAPPENING AGAIN! and we get drowned in that fear.
Unfortunately for some, that fear of getting hurt again at that level, does nothing else than to make us stop believing is the most powerful force of Universe : LOVE. We want to believe in it, but we are not ready to face those shadows. We are not brave enough to confront ourselves and our own fears. Why? Because we never healed from the beginning.
The closer that we think we get to that point, the more scared we get and the hardest part is that we don't even see it or admit it.
“No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong.”
We are afraid of letting ourselves go and in the same time we are afraid to be US. To fight with US. To live with US.
We are weak and look for comfort and happiness into another person and that happens only because we are too afraid to look into ourselves, to look at our wounds. We are afraid to be who we are, because others judge us. We want to be what people want to see and we forget who we really are because we want to be next to them. And we think that being someone that we think they like, it's best. That it will protect us. It never is like that.
Love changes us. We do stupid things and judge premature, most of the times because we are afraid of being hurt.
Do not forget that no matter how strong you might be or think you are, we all need love and affection.
1st step in healing is FORGIVING YOURSELF! Most of us think : Oh! It was my fault I got too blinded, I shouldn't had done that or that. I should had been more careful.... The truth is, you are were you are now, because of all the things that happened to you. Do you know where you are? Are you content with yourself? Do you know where do you have to work to make you work? If you do, why look at the half empty glass? It's always a half full, also.
You must forgive yourself for the mistakes that you did. If you don't forget yourself, you will repeat them no matter how hard you will try not to. You have to make peace with yourself in order to make peace with someone else.
Every obstacle is an opportunity to learn something. You fucked up once, you tried a different angle but still fucked up? And again and again, you got "n" chances and still fucked up? That is because you started to feel overwhelmed by guilt and lost the confidence that you can make it right. Forgive yourself and then try again. When you forgive yourself, you see things different. You will see the right angle and you will be able to take to good path.
You can't love without forgiveness. You can't love without trust.
In order to love yourself, you have to trust in yourself. You can't do that without forgiving yourself.
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