Friday, May 25, 2012

The Unknown... or Known????

How can we live in a country where health & medical system are just some freakin' words in some dictionary or people language????

I am pissed off about this for a long long time, but just didn't got the chance to get really fucked off and put the god dam words together....

I have two examples for you, both of them let's say, very important to me.

1. I have been raised by my grandmother which I love with all my heart. The woman that give her life away just to raise my mum, her sister, and later on... me. The kind of woman that does nothing else than constantly worries about "her girls". Family comes 1st was what I always seen and heard from her. She was capable, and in many occasions did so, took her share of food, or piece of "something nice" and split it between her girls. As she was sort of a single mum, she could be capable of eating nothing than bread, just to see her girls in school or enjoying a piece of chocolate.... and believe me, when I say, she did so. Who wasn't here in the '80, would have no clue what the fuck am I talking about. 
All her life she did nothing else than thinking at us. A few years ago, when she was about 65, health already declining, she decided that she's going to Switzerland to work, cause she wanted to refurnish her home and leave a nice place for us to meet after she'll be no more. 
I remember I went to Resita that time and the door was blocked. I had keys but they were not working. I rang the door bell, phones... everything. I started to panic, cause I knew she never had a deep sleep in her life. I went to the nearest hotel and booked for the night (there were about 2 of them, those days in town). The next morning I went back to my granny's house... My aunt showed up and told me that she left in Switzerland. I got MAD! How the fuck no one could convince her to just stay home??? We don't need a nice home after she's gone, we need HER!!! I was angry, pissed off in a way that took me years to forgot.
She came back after about 3 months. And she started to feel from bad to worse. Her skin was deteriorating so fast that no one knew what the hell it is or what we can do. Painful nights, her body covered in injuries, bones pain, heart problems and so on. 
We started to seek for doctors and did all the imaginable tests possible. One came with the idea of skin cancer, another one with.... I can not even remember how many things they said it is and none was. Nothing was helping her. Nothing was easing her pain. After more than 2 years of treatments and wrong diagnostics, we found a "OK" doctor in Timisoara. He managed to explain what is wrong with her, what's going on and started to improve a little bit, even. After another year, she went to the pharmacy and asked the pharmacist if he can give her something to ease the itchiness of the skin. She showed him a piece of skin and the guy gave her some cream. In less than 3 months her skin was healed almost completely. 
That is the moment when my rage started to show : HOW THE FUCK you spend shit loads of money on doctors (I think we all know, that if you don't show up with an envelope with money - no one would even look at you) and treatments for years... you do tests that you don't even imagine they exists, you buy expensive medicines that you don't afford - you take bread from your mouth for fucking pills - and you get the cure after years from a pharmacist that just took a look at your injury????? Please tell me how the fuck is that possible??? 
That was a rhetoric question. How is that possible? WE LIVE IN ROMANIA! 
Here no one gives a shit about anyone else as long as they don't need anything or as long as they are OK. 

"Oh! We're sorry we can't do anything more!" - Translation - "We're sorry, but we are too lazy to think at someone else!"

Someone is telling me this for some time now, but I refused to believe it, I still have problems not looking that it might not be that dark : Words are the 1st currency of  Romania. No one does anything. And if they say they will, they will not but they will tell you : "I'm sorry, I tried"

SORRY - had became the most meaningless word in Romania. It's empty! 

Going back to my granny... 

For about 2 years now, she has a different doctor that she goes to see in Timisoara. This April she went to see him, did some tests, all those check ups to see how the treatment works.... and so on... For more than a year, she has problems with infections. She can not get rid of them, no matter what, basically her immune system started to shut down because all the antibiotics that she was stuffed with for years. She has a pneumonia for more than 5 months, and no treatment helped. So the guy sent her to another hospital, to see a lung specialist. He did some test... and he sent her home with a prescription for medicine that she could not even find, not to mention the direction to the specific pharmacies where to get them and so on, or the price of them. Then the guy calls in my aunt, which was with her, and tells her that she's "evolving" towards lung cancer, but make sure she takes  that and that and that and we see how she is in a month.

Now, I don't have much experience and I do love watching House M.D. - too bad is over - but serious? You don't confirm your diagnostic before treatment????? 
Here... everybody is a test rat, so doctors can get their fees from pharmacy's that they "work" with.... The more expensive are the medicines, the more they want to sell ... well ... intermediate... You know what I mean... Get something out of it, who the fuck cares that MAYBE, just MAYBE those pills will do more wrong than good...

2. My mum. Not the typical mum that anyone can have and I will not go into details. She's not a smoker, not a drinker, not a junkie, not someone with sleepless nights, takes care of her diet and so on. She's starting to feel bad. Blood pressure up to the freakin' roof, vomiting, collapsing.
So? What do you do in cases like this? 
What every normal human does : CALL THE AMBULANCE. 
What do you do when the ambulance doesn't show up in an hour, when you are in the fucking city center of an European capital called Bucharest? You call again.... Let me tell you, that it's better to jump in a taxi and go straight to Hospital. The ambulance might show up at the 3rd call, after 2-3 hours, or at all. In which case... pray it's nothing too serious... or you're fucked. 

Basically.... Don't even DARE to get sick while you are in Romania.

1. Ambulance service is SHIT. You might as well be dead, by the time they show up. - or check internet for a private one - they cost so, you might get lucky and get one faster.
2. Every doctor has a different opinion. Every doctor sees what he thinks is in his best interest. Do not rely on them. Go and see 10 others, and then judge what is more closer to the truth.
3. Do not dare to go see a doctor without that "envelope" - SPAGA, MITA - in romanian words, in case you do there are 3 options : 
a. Everybody will act like you are invisible or if you are seen, you'll be treated exactly how they act with someone that they owe money to - send you from one to another. 
b.You'll be treated like a rat - well, you do anyway, but you might be one of the more "valuable" ones, depends of how thick is that envelope.
c. Eventually you'll feel even worse and you'll discover new symptoms - not because your disease is evolving but because you got stuck with something else too.
4. Hospitals???? HA - Stay home, you're safer! 
5. Be aware of pills. READ the prospect before using them, even if your doctor told you "THOSE WILL HEAL YOU".

“Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.” 

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