Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Rainbow Returns on Stage

We can finally say that Spring is the air... The Sunlight is surrounding us, like Maria's voice rises to the sky so we can see another beautiful rainbow.... After a long and hard winter, MARIA GHEORGHIU is coming back on stage. Nothing can stop an artist to do what he was born to do... She was born to sing like no other, we were born to listen.
MARCH 29nd
20:30 PM
Entry fee : 15 Ron

MOJO MUSIC CLUB - Str. Gabroveni, nr. 14
For reservations : 0760 263 496

We'll be there to offer you a night to remember with good music and great company!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Another week

As the car was running on the roads, I was watching the stars and somehow, smiling, this song came into my head...
Another week had passed, another week-end is over... Was it perfect? No.
Broke some nails, twisted my arm... Some kind of bad karma followed me... but even with all of these... I was happy. I still am. Some moments that brings a smile on my face. Some moments of complete silence into my brain, a smile, sun... fresh air. The music of the wind blowing in the forest behind... Even a scratch on my face and a big dog drawling on me... The wind in my hair, the mountains in front... a kiss. Some smiles, some caresses, some lovely hugs... "A walk to remember" - I might say....
Some great movies in some loving arms, some whispers... A piano and someone to listen with...

All of those, together... A week hard to forget. All of those made me happy. Now, I'll go sleep knowing that someone is thinking of me, and I smile and I listen to music, falling asleep...

Good night and sweet dreams.