Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rainbow seekers

-“You know how you watch Discovery Channel, right? You know the show The Storm chasers?... We can do one called The rainbows chasers… “ And to be honest I couldn’t agree more with that statement. For about 3 days we drove around just looking at the sky, searching for some dark clouds and sunshine…

Now let me tell you a little story… It begins into a country of fairytales, a place so mystical and so magic, that even when your awake you aspect to see fairies and maybe a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow…

Once upon a time, far away from home, there was a charming little girl… No! Wait! That’s the wrong story… maybe some other time… My story starts something like that…

But why? Why? Why a story has to start in a specific way?... Fuck it! Just think RAINBOW!

If you think rainbow… be honest! What do you see? What is the first thing that comes into your head that you associate it with a rainbow? Someone told me, GAY PARADE… Well, I lied, it’s just one of the voices from my troubled mind… Yeah, I’m schizophrenic, sometimes… So what? I HEAR VOICES!?!...

Let's forget my state of mind and just get back to the story.... Shall we?... Rainbow... What do you see?..

I see a car, driving around hills covered in green soft grass, trees, flowers, sheep and cows... I see me, holding the camera on my lap, looking through every possible window of that car searching the sky, for some colors to show up and make my day...

The perfect conditions... dark clouds running around chasing each other... Beautiful Sun hiding from time to time behind unbelievable fluffy ones... We stopped a couple of times, on top of some hills but the only things that we saw were incredible landscapes... Everywhere you look you see green... The road that we took is leading us to only God knows where, cause we have no clue... A giant snake of asphalt that lies in front of our eyes... Ups, downs... rights... or left.... Sometimes you can see his majesty , other times you can see only a small corner of sky... You go through forests or just along hedges, through tunnels of vegetation... Old trees, younger ones... some of them covered in ivy that grew so big, it gives you the impression of two trees are growing together, holding each other, hugging like two lovers...

You look around and if you are lucky enough you may see some amazing horses or cute donkeys, or maybe some adorable little bunnies crossing the road... You hear the birds singing so hard, that you have the impression that you are in the middle of a concert... and so you are!

Smaller or bigger houses everywhere you look... It's so mystical, so magical that you almost expect a leprechaun to show up... Everything so perfect... but NO RAIN!

No rain, no rainbows... And that's what we are here for, more or less. So we go further on, looking for clouds and some rain, hoping for a rainbow... I'm hoping for my perfect rainbow...

Usual when you go in holiday, you pray for good weather and sun... and you pray even more so God can keep the rain away from you and your happiness... Not the case here! I want rainbow, so I want to find that rain!

It's almost sunset, and still... nothing! So I give up!

"Forget about the rainbows... let's stop somewhere nice to watch the sunset!" - but somehow I had the impression that my voice wasn't been heard... cause we were still driving around... And finally we ended up, in the same place where we were at launch... The ocean breeze kissed me once more...

But, when I decided just to see the sunset... darker clouds covered the Sun, completely... Yeah! Lucky me! So we decided to get something to drink to get a bit warmer, of course. What did you think of???

After a drink, suddenly the Sun showed up and we could go outside to watch the sunset over the Atlantic... And guess what? Outside it WAS RAINING!!!! Funny how things go around... When you want something and when you get it!

And during the time I was absolutely fascinated by the amazing beauty of the love story between the Sun and the Ocean...

"Baaaaby, look behind you!"....

And I turned around and I found myself looking towards a RAINBOW! But not only a rainbow, THE PERFECT RAINBOW! The one that I was searching all my life.... My perfect one!

A day hard to forget... A feeling hard to beat! A memory that will remain with me until I'll probably get Alzheimer... even if I prefer Parkinson.... Better to spill half of the glass than forget where you put the bottle!!!! Agree???

I only have one more thing to say.... NEVER GIVE UP! When you least expect it, amazing things can happen to you!

CARPE DIEM! get yourself some memories... thats all that remains...

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